Tiles Justified

Gallery padding sides: the padding from the sides of the gallery

Space between tiles: space between tiles. Horizontal and vertical space

Initial row height: the row height form which the algorithm will count the final height

Show gallery preloader: show gallery preloader, to show before first tile place

Preloading height: the height of the preloading area

Preloader circle Y pos: the Y position of the preloading circle

Enable transition: enable transition on width resize

Tile image resolution: tile thumbs resolution. If selected ‘Large’, the thumbnails will be generated on the first gallery output

Position on the page: the position of the slider on the page. Default: no styles added. Float: left. Float: right. Margin: 0px auto

Margin top: the top margin of the slider wrapper div

Margin bottom: the bottom margin of the slider wrapper div

Margin left: the left margin of the slider wrapper div

Margin right: the tight margin of the slider wrapper div

Enable lightbox: enable lightbox on tile click

Tile as link: act the tile as link, no lightbox will appear

Open link in: open the tile link in new or same page

Enable border: enable border of the tile

Tile border width: tile border width

Tile border color: tile border color

Tile border radius: tile border radius (applied to border only, not to outline)

Enable outline: enable outline of the tile – 1 pixel width only, (works only together with the border)

Tile outline color: tile outline color

Enable shadow: enable shadow of the tile

Tile shadow pos hor: position of horizontal shadow

Tile shadow pos vert: position of vertical shadow

Tile shadow blur: shadow blur

Tile shadow spread: shadow spread

Tile shadow color: shadow color

Enable image effect: enable tile image effect

Tile image effect type: tile effect type

Tile effect reverse: reverse the image, set only on mouseover state

Enable mouseover overlay: enable tile color overlay on mouseover

Tile overlay opacity: tile overlay opacity

Tile overlay color: tile overlay color

Enable icons on mouseover: enable icons in mouseover mode

Show link icon: show link icon (if the tile has a link). Make the tile look as ‘portfolio style’ in case of ‘Tile as a Link’ option not enabled

Space between icons: initial space between icons, (on small tiles it may change)

Enable tile text panel: enable tile text panel

Tile text panel source: the source of text panel. Description: title type will show the description, if description is empty it will show the title

Tile text panel always on: set tile text panel always visible

Tile text panel appear time: the appear type of the text panel

Text panel padding top: text panel padding top

Text panel padding bottom: text panel padding bottom

Text panel padding left: cut some space for text from left

Text panel padding right: cut some space for text from right

Text panel background color: text panel background color

Text panel background opacity: text panel background opacity

Text panel text color: text panel text color, leave empty for default

Text panel text align: text panel text align

Text panel font size: text panel font size, leave empty for default

Text panel bold text: text panel bold text

Lightbox type: choose a lightbox type, wide or compact

Hide arrows on video play: hide arrows on video play

Enable slider zooming: enable mouse wheel and pinch zooming of the lightbox slider

Lightbox overlay opacity: the opacity of the lightbox overlay. Values (0-1)

Lightbox overlay color: the color of the lightbox overlay

Lightbox top panel opacity: the opacity of the top panel. Values (0-1)

Show item numbers: show numbers of items and total items at the left top

Lightbox numbers size: the size of the numbers text

Lightbox numbers color: the color of the numbers

Show text panel: show lightbox text panel at the top center

Lightbox panel width: the width of the text panel

Lightbox text panel text source: choose the source for the text line on the lightbox

Lightbox text panel text color: text panel text color, leave empty for default

Lightbox text panel text align: text panel text align

Lightbox text panel font size: text panel font size, leave empty for default

Lightbox text panel bold text: text panel bold text

Lightbox overlay opacity: the opacity of the lightbox overlay. Values (0-1)

Lightbox overlay color: the color of the lightbox overlay

Lightbox arrows position: the position of lightbox arrows on the sides or inside the image

Lightbox arrows always on: the arrows will be always visible, or show on mouseover

Show item numbers: show number of items and total items at the left top

Lightbox numbers size: the size of the numbers text

Lightbox numbers color: the color of the numbers

Lightbox numbers padding top: the top padding of the numbers text

Lightbox numbers padding right: the right padding of the numbers text

Show text panel: show lightbox text panel at the top center

Lightbox text panel text source: choose the source for the text line on the lightbox

Lightbox text panel text color: text panel text color, leave empty for default

Lightbox text panel font size: text panel font size, leave empty for default

Lightbox text panel bold text: text panel bold text

Lightbox text panel padding top: the space from top of the text panel

Lightbox text panel padding left: the space form left of the text panel

Lightbox text panel padding right: the space from right of the text panel

Enable lightbox image border:  enable border around the image

Lightbox image border width: lightbox image border width

Lightbox image border color: lightbox image border color

Lightbox image border radius: lightbox image border radius

Enable lightbox image shadow: enable shadow around lightbox image

Include jquery library: add include of jquery js. If you have jquery include in other module, and you don’t want to double include, choose ‘No’

Put JS includes to body: put the gallery javascript includes to body. This may help in situations when multiple jquery libraries are loaded.

Debug javascript errors: show error message when there is some error on the gallery area

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